Beta Surf & Stay in Bali

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Surfing packages

In Beta Surf School Bali we have a full range of lessons
for every surfing levels at a good price in Bali!


Surf guide & surf coach team

surf guiding

Surfing for each surf level

surf equipment included

soft-top sufring boad, rash guard etc


Free surf video analysis & surf theory sessions

Every surf session: 2 HOURS SURF LESSON
including soft-top surf board, rash guard, free photo.

in each SURF LESSON you will get:
Spot introduction, warming up, briefing, theory, surf, breaktime (+ photo check ).

You will also get FREE good QUALITY photos

We can cutomise your request, feel free to contact us for more detail can message us via
WA : +62) 813-7482-7619

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